Day Two
Although desperate to click portrait for a long time, I was not sure where and how to begin. We all know the fact that "Photography" is an expensive for an amateur photographer when it is just a hobby. So instead of spending dollars on a costliest equipment, I thought to use what is available to me. For that I have used whatever light and other equipment that I could find at home and model of course my wife (one of the advantages of being married). After working for hours and hours I finally finished my day two of "Focus N' Click with 50mm" project.
Now it was time to analyze the result which was of course not very pleasing. But I must say that few of the photographs able to impressed me. Finally morale of the day is "More you play more you perfect".
Here are some of those photos I have posted in my blog, check out and jot down your comments and thoughts. Thank you in advance for your time for going through my blog.